The Attack Against U.S. Ambassador to Korea Mark Lippert

By Victor Cha

The attack against U.S. ambassador and friend Mark Lippert was a senseless act of violence against a public servant who genuinely cares about Korea and the relationship between the American and Korean people.

This was the act of an individual that is not representative of the Korean people’s sentiment toward the United States, as polling indicates very strong support of the U.S. alliance among the general public. If anything, anticipate a public reaction to the increasingly violent and disruptive demonstration tactics by radical individuals and NGOs in South Korean society.

The attack will prompt a review of U.S. embassy security procedures around the ambassador in public venues.

Though the injuries sustained could have been much worse, we are thankful that Ambassador Lippert is in good care and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Dr. Victor Cha is senior adviser and holds the Korea Chair at CSIS. You can follow him on twitter @vcgiants.

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Victor Cha

Victor Cha

Dr. Victor Cha is senior adviser and Korea Chair at CSIS. He is also a professor of government at Georgetown University.


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